
Upcoming Events

2024 Events

Virtual and In-Person Moon Circles

ON HOLD FOR HEALTH REASONS. I will put in dates when I am able to hold them again.

Twice a  month, I hold virtual Moon Circles for my friends around the world and in-person Moon Circles for anyone local or near to Port St. Lucie, FL.

I’m not much into circles or sitting still for too long.

However, I loved the sacred intentional space that was created by Kimberly during one of her Moon Circles.

I felt comfortable and liked the focus time to reflect on myself and hear from others. I am now more aware of the importance of tuning into the earth, moon and cosmos as it guides and dictates much of our inner and outer lanscape.

Plus, it’s happening whether you are aware of it or not.

So taking the time to be aware of it and checking in with myself was very insightful.

Thank you!


Copyright © 2024 Kimberly Laverdure, Your Neighborhood Witch and Virtual Life Alchemist